Was ich sonst noch so gemacht habe.

Animationen mit xplanet und PHP erzeugt dieses Skript: xplanet_animation.php

99 bottles of beer für Canon Kameras uBASIC (CHDK)

rem uBasic (CHDK) for Canon cameras version of 99 bottles of beer
rem author Maximilian Laiacker
rem tested on Ixus 40 with "allbest-ixus40_sd300-100k-51-fixSeries" firmware
rem after pressing the shoot button the song text is printed on the lower left rem corner of the camera display

@title 99 bottles of beer
@param a printing delay
@default a 500

for x=99 to 1 step -1
if x<>1 then print x,"bottles" else print "1 bottle"
sleep a
print " of beer on the wall,"
if x<>1 then print x, "bottles of beer" else print "1 bottle of beer"
print "Take one down and pass"
if x<>2 then print" it around,", x-1,"bottles" else print" it around, 1 bottle"
print " of beer on the wall"
sleep a
next x


/Software/Sonstiges/index.html: letzte Änderung am: 06.11.2008 um 23:14
17:54:19 up 206 days, 19:59, 2 users, load average: 0.41, 0.39, 0.32
Current bandwidth utilization   0.12 Mbit/s